Wednesday, January 24, 2007

All Great Things Must Begin Somewhere... Why Not Here?

Welcome to the much anticipated "Inaugural Post" to the hottest new blog on teh intarwebs... "Kenny Was Born A Gator..."

I'm sure you're all over(under)whelmed by the (in)significance, so I'll keep it short to allow for ample time to reflect on how this will affect you and the world you live in. Disappointing my public... all three of you... is not an option. I'm all too keenly aware of how much my personal thoughts mean to you, constant readers and/or internet stalkers, so I will do my level best to keep you entertained and possibly educated, but hopefully never lulled to sleep at your desk. I welcome your comments, but I reserve the right not to give a damn about your opinion.

Ok, I have some stuff I want to post, but the History Channel has a show about Alexander the Great on, so the post will have to wait...

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